NemaDecide PCN
Seed potatoes
For growers of propagation material, such as seed potatoes, NemaDecide answers important questions such as:
- how do I detect a possible PCN infestation at an early stage,
- which control measures should I use to avoid formal scheduling of my field,
- what is the effect of possible control measures.

Effect of measures on infestation and chance of detection.
Starch and ware potatoes
Potato cyst nematodes may also cause damage in starch and ware potato fields. NemaDecide provides comprehensive information about control measures that prevent damage and provides details of the costs/benefits of such measures.

Comparison yield loss in potato cultivation
There are two potato cyst nematode species: Globodera pallida (Pa) and G. rostochiensis (Ro). These nematodes are each others competitors and they are therefore affecting each others development. NemaDecide takes this into account.

Effect of cultivar choice on population development of Pa and Ro and yield loss in potato cultivation